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Duck Meat vs. Chicken Meat – Know Which Has More Calories

Even though, duck meat contains high level of fat, but it is more flavorful and nutrient dense compared to others. People often think chicken has fewer calories than duck meat. The truth is the fat in duck meat is healthy unsaturated, so it is the best alternative choice to butter and other animal-based fats.

Also, most of the fat will be rendered by the cooking process and leaves lean, crispy skin. Moreover, it is a great source of nutritional values, healthy fat and protein. Even, duck eggs contain more nutrients than chicken eggs. Peking is the common type of duck breed consumed in many parts of U.S.

If you want to enjoy the real taste and benefits of duck meat, then you must visit Canards Du Lac Brome recipe website. They provide easy to cook duck meat that meets needs of everyday meals. Also, they are affordable too.

Duck vs. chicken

Nutritional values – In 100gm duck, there will be calories – 14g, Protein – 23.2 g, Fat – 2g and water – 74.86g. From chicken (100gm), you will get only Water – 48.5g and Protein – 11.49g, but fat – 39.34g and Calories – 404g.  With this, it is clear that eating duck meat is more beneficial than chicken.

Minerals – Duck meat contains 229% more iron, 129% more phosphorus and zinc compared to chicken. Also, it contains good amount of selenium, potassium, sodium and calcium.

Vitamins – Duck meat also has a range of vitamins like vitamin B, C and B12 – niacin, which plays a crucial role in changing carbohydrates to glucose.

Benefits of consuming duck meat

Duck provides few essential nutrients in red flesh with less saturated fat. It is the animal protein that offers various benefits to the people.

Here are few benefits of consuming duck meat, they include:

  • Boosts immune system and helps to fight against inflammation and prevents cell damage.

  • Supports health of thyroid as it has good quantity of selenium.
  • Reduces risk of heart disease as it contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which is good for heart health. Duck has high iron levels compared to chicken. By eating it, you can lower the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases.
  • Fat of duck is healthier compared to pork fat, beef fat, or butter as it has more unsaturated fats percentage.

Duck meat doesn’t causes any allergic reactions unless you are meat allergic, but for effective results you have to consume top-quality duck meat. Gather information about the stores that supply naturally raised duck meat chooses the best one and order duck meat today.

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